What are the major sources of energy in rural households of India? Identify the major problems faced due to these sources. Give suggestions to solve these problems.
Fire wood and catde dung cake are the major sources of energy in rural household of India.
Major problems faced due to these sources are
(i) Using cow dung is discouraged because it consumes most valuable manure which could be used in agriculture.
(ii) Use of fire wood as fuel is becoming difficult due to decreasing forest area.
Suggestions to solve these problems are
(i) Awareness must be developed in the rural areas regarding the non-conventional sources of energy like solar energy, wind energy, biogas, etc.
It will minimise the dependence of rural households on fire wood and dung cakes, which in turn will contribute to environmental conservation and adequate supply of manure in agriculture.
(ii) Government should take initiatives in setting up the biogas plants in rural areas.