What are specific warming-up and conditioning in Judo ?
(a) Specific warming-up : After performing general warming-up the specific exercises of warming-up are performed. They are like few shuttle-runs, weight running, hopping over one leg, vertical jumps, backward bending, sideward bending, legs splitting; technique of falling self then with partner (backward and sideward); gripping techniques practice with partner; defensive and offensive techniques practice with partner; escape from various offensive techniques like Ippon, Waza-Ari, Yoko, Koka, etc. Then match practice.
(b) Conditioning: The game of Judo requires lot of strength, endurance and co- ordinative ability. Thus, the skill and techniques are perfected regularly keeping in mind the specific fitness components. The conditioning work for them has two days (in aweek) workout for developing strength and endurance. Thus, weight running, hopping or step running for (15 to 20 min) and weight training are performed. Flexibility and co-ordination component of fitness is combined with skills and techniques which is performed every alternate day. Offensive and defensive techniques are perfected in training sessions where they are guided properly. Escape techniques are also taught by expert coaches. Regular practice bouts improve their tactical and strategical approach.