‘The main reason for the dwindling wildlife resources in India is hunting by greedy hunters." Support the statement and suggest some steps to overcome this threat.
India is rich and diverse heritage of floral and faunal life. This rich biodiverssity is put under threat due to their excessive exploitation by human being.
The ecological disturbance created by human has caused 1,300 plants species to baecome endangered and about 20 species to become extinet. Quite a few animals species are also endangered and some have become extinct.
The major reason for this is hunting by greedy hunters. The hunter kills valuable fauna like Rhinoceros, Tigers, etc. due to high demand for their product.Steps that can he taken to stop these threats are
(i) Make people aware for the protection and conservation of wildlife. This can be done by making them to realise the importance of wildlife.
(ii) Strict enforcement of law’s and greater punishment and fines for violator of such laws.
(iii) Inclusion of wild life conservation in school curriculum.
(iv) Involving community in the process of conservation e.g. community forestry, social forestry etc.
(v) Providing employment opportunities to local youth as tourist guide, forest guide etc…
(vi) Providing shares of forest products to the local community in return for their efforts in protection and conservation of wildlife.
Thus, we can conclude that the main reason for the dwindling wildlife resources in India is hunting by greedy hunters.