Please give the structure of the following molecules w.r.t. VSEPR theory?

Please give the structure of the following molecules w.r.t. VSEPR theory? XeF2, XeF4, XeF6, XeOF2, XeOF4.

According to the VSEPR theory, The shape of the molecule is determined by both the total number of electron pairs (bonding and non-binding) around the molecules central atom and the orientation of these electron pairs in the space around the central atom.

In order to minimize the repulsion forces between them, electron pairs around the molecules central atom, tend to stay as far away from each other as possible.

Xe has electronic configuration 5s2 5p6.

In XeF2, there are two bonding pairs and three lone pair of electrons. So, according to the VSEPR theory, the structure will be trigonal bipyramidal to avoid the electron pair repulsions.

In case of XeF4, the structure will be square planar. There are four pairs of bonding electrons and two lone pairs in the molecule. The two lone pairs will be opposite each other (to maintain symmetry), which makes for a square planar molecular geometry.

XeF6 has has pentagonal bipyramid geometry due to sp3d3 hybridisation. One transposition is occupied by a lone pair giving a distorted octahedral shape.

XeOF2 has trigonal bipyramid geometry due to sp3d hybridisation.

Two equatorial positions are occupied by lone pairs of electrons giving a T-shape to the molecule. There is one XeO double bond-containing p?�d? overlapping.

XeOF4 has octahedral geometry due to sp3d2 hybridisation. One transposition is occupied by a lone pair giving pyramid shape to the molecule. There is one