Name the hormones that regulate each of the following and mention the source of it:
(a) Uterine contraction,
(b) Ovulation,
© Rise in blood sugar,
(d) Fall in calcium ion level in blood,
(d) Urinary elimination of water.
a) Uterine contraction : Oxytocin is secreted by Neurohypophysis. It regulates uterine contraction of smooth muscles at the child birth.
(b) Ovulation : Luetinizing Hormone (LH) secreted by adenohypophysis regulates the ovulation.
© Rise in blood sugar: Insulin and glucagon secreted by Islets of Langerhans regulate rise in blood sugar.
(d) Fall in calcium ion level in blood : Parathormone secreted by parathyroids regulate rise in blood sugar.
(e) Urinary elimination of water : ADH secreted by
neurohypophysis is called vasopressin. It decreases the volume of water by increasing reabsorption from urine.