List the two types of reproduction. Which one of the two is responsible for bringing in more variations in its progency and how?
Two Types of Reproduction: There are 2 chief modes of reproduction in which the organisms give rise to new individuals: They include.-
(i) Asexual reproduction afid.
(ii) Sexual reproduction.
Sexual Reproduction is responsible to bring more variations in its progeny.
In sexual reproduction, there is formation and fusion of gametes. Due to recombinations of genes, variations occur that are heritable. But in asexual reproduction, organisms raised are exact copies of their parents. They have identical set of chromosomes and exhibit little variations. They tend to preserve similarities among all the individuals. Hence no more variations take place.
This cause of variation affects evolution of those organisms which reproduce sexually. By sexual reproduction, more and more variations are produced in next generations. Therefore, genetic drift will accumulate that causes formation of new species.