If your family owned a dairy farm, what measures would you undertake to improve the quality and quantity of milk production?
Dairying is the management of animals for milk and its products for human consumption.
It mainly deals with the processes and systems to improve quality and quantity of milk. Milk yield mainly depends on the quality of breeds. The dairy farm management includes the „ following main processes:
(i) Selection of good breeds with high yielding potential (under the climatic conditions of the area) and resistance to various diseases.
(ii) Cattle should be housed-well, have sufficient water and should be kept in diseased-free conditions.
(iii) They should be fed in a scientific manner with an emphasis on quality and quantity of fodder.
(iv) Regular inspection and keeping proper records of all the activities of dairy is also important.
(v) Regular visits of a veterinary doctor is necessary.
(vi) Stringent cleanliness and hygiene of both the catde and the handler are very important during milking, storage and transport of milk and its products.