How does Humboldt current effect the climate of the South American coast?

How does Humboldt current effect the climate of the South American coast ?

The Humboldt Current is an ocean current that flows northwards along the western coastline of South America and into the Southeast Pacific Ocean.

The currents affect both people and marine life. First, upwelling caused by these currents brings nutrients to the water surface. These nutrients are usually instrumental in the growth of phytoplankton, which is the primary source of food for most of the animals in the marine ecosystem. Secondly, these currents have been very useful in the fishing industry in South America. The current results to approximately 19% of the total marine fish caught worldwide.

Finally, these currents have a major influence on some of the South American countries. For instance, the cool breeze and the cool effects experienced in Ecuador, Peru, and Chile aredue to this current. Furthermore, the arid climate experienced in the Peruvian coastline, and the Atacama in Chile, are as a result of the Humboldt Current.