Himani while watching a TV programme based on life in polar region observed that all animals in polar regions possess larger size. Also, smaller animals are not found in that region. She asked about this surprising fact to her teacher.
(i) Why smaller animals (e.g. humming birds) are rarely found in polar regions?
(ii) What are the adaptations shown by polar animals?
(iii) What are the chief characteristics of polar region animals?
(iv) What values are shown by Himani?
(i) Smaller animals are rarely found in polar regions because such animals have larger surface area relative to their volume and they tend to loose body heat very fast when it is cold outside. This is the reason they are rarely found in polar regions.
(ii) Animals that live in polar regions are adaptable to polar environments by features like the presence of thick skin coat, tendency to change colour or . camouflage to white in snow and high metabolic rate.
These features allow animals to adapt in colder environments.
(iii) Chief characteristics of polar region animals are:
(a) large sizes (b) hairy skin
© lipid layer beneath the skin
(iv) Himani showed curiosity and eagerness for learning new things.