Give characteristics of the phylum having parapodia for locomotion

Give characteristics of the phylum having parapodia for locomotion. Also name an animal belonging to the same phylum.

The animals belonging to phylum - Annelida have parapodia for locomotion. The characteristics possessed by annelids are as follows
• These are triploblastic animals having bilaterally symmetrical, elongated, vermiform, cylindrical or dorsoventrally flattened body.
• These animals are found in a variety of habitats, i.e. freshwater, marine water as well as on land.
• Annelids are the first animals to develop true body cavity or coelom, i.e. coelomates.
• There is extensive organ differentiation. This differentiation occurs in a segmental fashion with the segments lined up one after the other from head to tail (i.e. metameric segmentation).
e.g. Nereis belongs to Annelida.