Casteism is the exploitation of caste consciousness for narrow political and electoral gains. Fora casteistJattis are the primary relevant group for political bargaining and for capturing power.
It has various implications on society as well as on political community like:
(i) ‘Casteism’ fragments society and “weakens national unity”. It leads to caste violence and caste interest being given predominance over national interest.
(ii) It violates and goes against the democratic principles of our Constitution that of justice, equality and fraternity.
(iii) To maintain and promote caste identity, democratic facilities like fundamental rights, formation of political parties, free media and press and even legislative platform are misused.
(iv) By encouraging outdated caste loyalities at different levels of politics, casteism creates an obstacle in the development of a secular society.
(v) ‘Casteism’ leads to an atmosphere of destruction, fear and suspicion in the society. All this in turn leads to violence and polarisation on caste lines.
(vi) ‘Caste’ also acts as a divisive Tactor. The over emphasis on caste interest loyalty rather than national interest weakens the modernisation of the polity.
Measures to Combat the Evils of Caste System
(i) Everyone, including political leaders, social reformers and general people, should discourage casteism and work for socio-economic and political harmony.
(ii) The political and regional political parties based on caste should be removed from the political horizon.
(iii) The name and aim of educational institutions referring to castes should be given up.
In this way we can try to check the evil effects or implications of casteism.