Complete the following conversation in indirect speech

Complete the following conversation in indirect speech.

Direct Speech

Shilpa: Can I borrow your English textbook?
Jaya: Sure you can. But when will you return it?
Shilpa: I will return it to you after two days from today.
Jaya: Please do as I have to prepare for the exams.

Indirect Speech

Shilpa asked Jaya a) _____________________. Jaya replied that b) _____________ and asked her c)_______________. Shilpa said she d) ____________. Jaya urged her e) ________________ since she f) _____________________.

Shilpa asked Jaya a) if she could borrow her English textbook. Jaya replied that b) she could and asked her c) when she would return it. Shilpa said she d) would return it to her after two days from that day. Jaya urged her e) to do that since she f) had to prepare for the exams.