Briefly describe the aims and measures of reproductive and child healthcare programmes in India.
Reproductive and Child Healthcare (RCH) Programmes
Major tasks of RCH programmes are:
(i) Creating awareness among people about various aspects of reproduction.
(ii) Providing facilities and support to build-up a reproductively healthy society.
Some of the measures taken are:
• The Government and Non-Government agencies use audio-visual and print media for creating awareness.
• Introduction of sex education in schools is a good step for providing right information to the adolescents so as to discourage them from believing in myths and misconceptions about sex-related issues.
• Adolescents are being educated about reproductive organs, adolescence related changes, safe and hygenic sexual practices and Sexually Transmitted Diseases (STDs), which would help people, specifically adolescents, to lead a reproductively healthy life.
• Educating people, especially fertile couples and those in marriageable age groups about the following: Birth control options, Care of pregnant mothers, Post-natal care of mother and child, Importance of breast-feeding, Equal opportunities for male and female child.