Why do some children pass urine during sleep at night until 15 or 16 y

Why do some children pass urine during sleep at night until 15 or 16 years of age ?
A. Children pass urine during sleep at night. It is called bed wetting. It is caused due to
one more of the following reasons. .

  1. The child’s urinary bladder is maturing more slowly than usual. The capacity of the bladder may be reduced.
  2. The risk of child passing urine in night time is due to the hereditory factor that one or both parents, wet the bed as children.
  3. Some children wet the bed because they do not make enough levels of vasopressin which reduces the urine production.
  4. Deep sleep prevents child from sensing bladder fullness.
  5. Constipation a common problem in children can also cause passing urine during sleep at night.
  6. Physical or emotional problems may cause bed wetting.
  7. Stressful situation than can trigger bed wetting include moving to a new house, changing schools, the death of a loved one or being sexually given bad effect