Which statement for NH3 and NF3 is false? Electro negativities N = 3.0, H = 2.1, F = 4.0

Which statement for NH3 and NF3 is false? Electronegativities N = 3.0, H = 2.1, F = 4.0.

  • The NF3 molecule is more polar than the NH3 molecule.

  • The bond angles in NF3 are smaller than those in NHS.

  • The bond dipoles in NF3 are directed toward the more electronegative fluorine atoms.

  • Both molecules have one unshared pair of electrons in the outer shell of nitrogen.

  • Both are sp3 hybridized at nitrogen.

  • The bond dipoles in NF3 oppose the effect of the unshared pair of electrons.

  • The nitrogen atom can be described as utilizing spJ hybrid orbitals in the nitrogen trifluoride molecule.

  • The bond dipoles of NF3 are directed toward fluorine, whereas those in NH: are directed toward nitrogen.
