What is Yama ?Explain about it?

What is Yama ?Explain about it?

Yama means restraints or abstention. Yamas are practices to eliminate wrong, harmful or disturbing behaviour. They create a foundation of right living. Yama consists of five moral codes of conduct. These are :
(i) Ahimsa or non-violence : It means not to hurt any creature mentally or physically through mind, speech or action. We must not display any negative emotions or injure anyone.
(ii) Satya or truthfulness : It is a presentation of a matter with truthfulness in thought, word and deed. We must not tell a lie in all the dealings of life.
(iii) Asteya or Non-stealing : of anything in life such as money, material, ideas, speeches or writings. We should feel satisfied, whatever God has given us.
(iv) Celibacy or Brahmacharya : It means refraining from all the activities related to sexual enjoyment directly or indirectly.
(v) Aparigraha or non-possessiveness : It means to lead a life with minimum requirements.