Study the diagram showing replication of HIV in humans and answer the following questions accordingly

Study the diagram showing replication of HIV in humans and answer the following questions accordingly.

1.Write the chemical nature of the coat ‘A’
2.Name the enzyme ‘B’ acting on ‘X’ to produce molecule ‘C’.Name ‘C’
3.Mention the name of the host cell ‘D’ the HIV attacks first when it enters into the human body.
4.Name the two different cells the new viruses ‘E’ sudsequently attack.

1.The chemical nature of the coat : Viral protein coat.
2.Enzyme B -Viral DNA is produced by reverse transcriptase.
X-Viral RNA is introduced into cell.
C-Viral DNA
3.Host cell(D)=Macrophage.
4.Two different cells are macrophages and helper T-lymphocytes.