Select the correct name for the following compound, including the correct (E) or (z) designation where appropriate

Select the correct name for the following compound, including the correct (E) or (z) designation where appropriate.



Concepts and reason
The structure of the compound is given and its correct IUPAC name needs to be given. IUPAC nomenclature is used to give the scientific name of a compound to be used worldwide. Some rules and principles needs to be followed while writing the IUPAC name of any compound. Identify the longest carbon chain and the functional group present in the compound and name them accordingly for writing its IUPAC name.
Also, the products of a reaction are given whose starting material needs to be formed. The products are formed by the reaction of alcohol with HBr. The reaction of alcohol with hydrogen halide takes places through substitution reaction and result in the replacement of alcohol group thus, keeping the mechanism in mind draw the starting reactant.

To write the IUPAC name of the given compounds consider the following steps:

  • Firstly, identify the longest carbon chain and write it at the end of the name of the compound, that is, the root name of the chain. If the chain contains double bond or triple bond then, the suffix ene or yne will be added accordingly.

  • Secondly, find the functional group present in the compound and locate its point of attachment on the carbon chain. It will form the prefix of the name.

  • Also, locate the any other substituent attached on the compound and then, number the carbon chain such that the group gets the least possible number.
    Reaction of alcohol with hydrogen halides takes place via image substitution mechanism and result in the formation of haloalkane as shown in the following example:

  • E/Z system of nomenclature: Geometrical isomers can be given name by using E/Z system based on the priority given to the substituents based on the molecular weights.
    If the bulky substituents are lie opposite side then the isomer is termed as E and if the substituents are on the same side then it is termed as Z.


Mark the longest carbon chain in the molecule, identify the substituent attached then, write the name of the compound as shown below:
Parent compound is cyclohexene. Therefore, the name of the compound is image

Mark the longest carbon chain in the molecule, identify the substituent attached then, write the name of the compound as shown below:
As the parent compound is six-member carbon ring containing a double bond, OH and I as functional group thus, the name of the compound is image.

Now, assign the E/Z nomenclature to the given alkene bond in the structure by giving the priorities to the groups attached to the olefinic carbon as shown below:


Consider the structure of the reactant alcohol that reacts with HBr to form the given products are as follows:
