In which segment does the following structures lies in the earthworm's body?

In which segment does the following structures lies in the earthworm’s body?
(i) Spermathecae (ii) Pharynx
(iv) Intestine (v) Septal nephridia (vi) Ovary
(vii) Testes (viii) Typhlosole - 26th-95th

(ix) Lateral heart - 7th,9th (x) Pharyngeal nephridid-4th,6th

(i) Spermathecae—6th, 7th, 8th, 9th
(ii) Pharynx -4th
(iii) Gizzard—8th
(iv) Intestine - 15th to last
(v) Septal nephridia—15th to last
(vi) Ovary -13th
(vii) Testes—10th, 11th
(viii) Typhlosole - 26th-95th
(ix) Lateral heart—7th, 9th
(x) Pharyngeal nephridia - 4th-6th