In a school 8/5 of all students are girls.There are 120 more girls than boys.What is the total strength of the school?.Also find the number of boys studying in the same school

In a school 8/5 of all students are girls.There are 120 more girls than boys.What is the total strength of the school?.Also find the number of boys studying in the same school.

There is a mistake in the question… It is 5/8 and not 8/5 because you cannot have a fraction more than 1.

So, let total no. Of students = x
No. of girls = 5/8 x
No. of boys = 3/8 x

It says, there are 120 more girls than boys.

5/8 x - 3/8 x = 120
2/8 x = 120
x = 120 X 8/2
x = 480
So, total no. of students = 480.

No. of boys = 3/8 x = 3/8 X 480 = 180 boys

Hope this helps!