Excreting wastes from the human body not only by kidneys but also

Excreting wastes from the human body not only by kidneys but also by other organs help you. How do. you support it ?

  1. In human body wastes are excreted not only by kidneys but also by other organs.
  2. Kidney filters blood and eliminates nitrogenous wastes and other harmful things. Filters urea from blood.
  3. Apart from kidney lungs, skin, liver, intestine, salivary glands and lacrymal glands.
  4. Lungs remove carbon dioxide and water in respiration.
  5. Skin excrete wastes in the form of sweat which contains water and certain salts.
  6. Liver eliminates bile pigments bilirubin and biliverdin through urine.
  7. Excess salts of calcium, magnesium and iron are excreted by epithellial cells of colon for elimination along with faeces by intestine.
  8. Eccrine glands present on the forehead, the bottoms of the feet and the palms allow excess water to leave the body.
  9. Salivary glands and lacrimal glands excrete small amounts of nitrogenous waste through saliva and tears.