Discuss the causes, symptoms, preventive measures and treatment of AIDS

Discuss the causes, symptoms, preventive measures and treatment of AIDS.
AIDS is caused by a retrovirus, HIV (Human Immunodeficiency Virus). It is transmitted from an infected to a healthy person through sexual contact, blood transfusion, use of infected needle or blade. Also, it may get transmitted from infected mother to her foetus.


  • Inflammation in lymph glands.
  • Loss of weight and sweating during night.
  • Bleeding and fever.
  • Severe damage to the brain which may even lead to loss of memory. In some cases, the person may cease to speak and even think.
  • Above all, the possibility of other diseases also increases because of the damage caused to the immune system.


  • By avoiding sexual contact with unknown persons.
  • By using sterilised needles, blades, etc.
  • By ensuring that the blood to be transfused is free from HIV.