Define the following terms

Define the following terms
(i) Phylum (ii) Class
(iii) Family (iv) Order
(v) Genus

(i)Phylum It is a taxonomic category higher than class and lower than kingdom, which consists of more than one class having some similar correlated-characters.
For example, fishes, amphibians, reptiles, birds and mammals belong to the phylum-Chordata.
(ii)Class The category class includes related orders. It is higher than order and lower than phylum. For example, class-Mammalia has order-Carnivora, Primata, etc.
(iii)Family It is the category higher than genus and lower than order, which has one or more related genera having some common features. For example, Felidae, Canidae, etc.
(iv)Order It is a taxonomic category lower than class and higher than family. It consists of one or more related families possessing some similar correlated characters that differentiate them from families. For example, Carnivora, Primata, etc.
(v)Genus It comprises a group of related species, which has more characters common in comparison to species of other genera. In other words, genera are aggregates of closely related species. For example, Genus-Panthera comprises lion (Panthera leo), leopard (P. pardus) and tiger (P. tigris).