(a)Write the symptoms of malaria in humans

(a)Write the symptoms of malaria in humans.
(b)Name the stage of Plasmodium that enters into the vector.Describe the life cycle of the paracite in the vector.

(a)Symptoms:1.High fever with chills and flu like illness.
2.Headache,fatigue,sweating,nausea and vomiting.
(b)Palsmodium enters the vector at the merozoite stage.When the female Anopheles sucks the blood of an infected human host, it receives RBCs containig the parasite at different stages of the erythrocytic cycle.
Gametogomy:In the mosquito stomach, male gametes divide to form microgametes .Female gametes mature and called macrogametes. The fertilization takes place, and the zygote is formed.The zygote embeds in the mosquito’s stomach lining and produces sporozoites, which are released and migrate to the salivary gland.When the mosquito bites a healthy human, sporozoites present in the salivary gland of the mosquito are injected into blood of the man.